The Last Thing We Need Is Another Blog

The latest number I could find was in 2008 when the Blog Herald reported that there were roughly 200,000 million blogs. Since then it seems people have given up counting. The shear number of blogs is staggering but also the number of posts each blog puts out.

New marketing guru Seth Godin has said that the problem with blogs is that they stretch. Traditional media has natural limits from broadcast time to page length. But blogs could easily post a 100 or even a 1,000 times a day (with a team). And quantity not quality leads to traffic. A look at the top 10 blogs reveals that many of them post dozens of times a day.

What are people blogging about? A recent Pew Research Center Project examined which sources shared the most “new” information. The study found that that 95% of previously unreported stories come from traditional news sources rather than blogs, Twitter, or local websites. Many blogs are out there simply reposting other people’s content just to generated traffic.

Beyond blogs Web content is exploding. A recent Wired article talked the thousands of writers, photographers and filmakers around the country racing to feed the 4,000 videos and articles large content factories like Demand Media publish every day. With titles like “How To Draw a Greek Helmet” and “Dog Whistle Training Techniques” they pump out volumes of endless regurgitated information to jump to the top of search engine results.

When it comes to content maybe new media isn’t so new. Until Google changes their search listing criteria we there’s one question we all must ask. Is it adding something new or simply adding to the noise?

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